
Beauty: Boots Essentials Cleansing wipes for dry skin

by - 21:29

Hey all! Firstly, apologies for the really crappy photo. It's the only one of this product I managed to take before it ran out!  I bought these make up wipes as the package suggests at boots over a lunch break two weeks ago when I realised that I had forgotten my cleanser at home and needed some wipes for when I visited my parents in Bristol.  The wipes retail for only £1 and come in a pack of 25. After going through the whole packet, my thoughts are that this is an okay face wipe for cleaning your face if you feel a bit grotty or oily. I don't think it is as good as other wipe brands out there as the wipes themselves lack a bit of moisture and I find it incredibly hard to take my make up completely off with these wipes and have to go through 2-3 wipes before I can get my make up completely off. So if you wanted to use them on the go, they may not be idea at all as you'd end up using so many/ resorting to washing your face. My solution to their dryness was to apply some micellar water to them to give them an extra edge in taking my make up off. Above all, I didn't like the fact that these wipes are not at all scented, but hey that's just me I really like scented things. Will I buy these again? probably not unless I had any other choice or needed a quick and cheap fix for make up removal. What's your favourite make up wipe brand?

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