Food: Wagamama's Test Kitchen Collaboration with Cookdaily
This is another one of those posts have been buried so far down into my drafts I lost track of it. You may now know that cook daily in BoxPark has now shut it's doors and is no longer trading. I never honestly thought that it was actually only just a pop up. So I suppose that this post serves more to commemorate the amazing dishes that they have come up with. A quick google shows me that this dish is on the permanent menu at Wagamama's test location at Soho so it might be the only remnants of Cookdaily you'll be able to experience.
The bowl itself costs £9.95 and contains Schichimi-coated tofu, which was by far my favourite bit of this. The tofu is light and fluffy and batter is cloud like. If you are a meat eater, the Coconut 'Bacon' will wow you with it's texture. For veggie fans like me, the asparagus, Tenderstem Broccoli and other assortments of vegetables will satisfy you with their crunch. This is topped with chewy shiitake mushrooms, spring onions, coriander and fresh lime. All of this is mixed into udon noodles served in a curried sauce. If you are cursed like me and can only taste soap when you eat coriander, then you'll be pleased that their participation in this dish is at the bare minimum. The udon noodles are chewy and abundant throughout the dish so this can be quite a heavy dish if you've had appetisers.
Overall, this is a great dish for the Autumn season as the days are getting colder absolutely delicious and unlike any other noodle dish I have tried before.
Nikki XO