
Food: L'eto Cafe

by - 18:40

Awhile back I went to a meeting at LETO in Soho upon a friends recommendation. In their window sill there were an assortment of  pretty cakes and pastries but unfortunately only the apple pie was vegan and I don't really like apple pie. 

Thankfully, they also serve an assortment  of coffees including an incredible matcha latte made with soy. I was pleased that their soy milk didn't coagulate under the heat of  the latte like it sometimes do. The matcha itself was not at all bitter and in fact quite creamy.  Though this was made from soy, the barista was still able to create a good level of froth top the the latte off.
If you like your drinks sweet, then I recommend that you add a bit of sugar to this latte but not too much or your will ruin it's authentic taste.

Overall, a great latte and if you aren't vegan there is  an incredible selection of cakes to accompany your hot drink.

Nikki XO

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