Lifestyle: Forever Living Yoga Event @ The Shard & Argi + review
Hi everyone, I was recently invited by Forever Living to celebrate their anniversary at one of their events. This particular event was a spectacular yoga class on the 52nd floor of The Shard.
Upon arrival, they were still preparing the venue but this gave my friend Nicola and I plenty of time to get ready and I even got the opportunity to mingle and spot out this incredible succulent arrangement.
Upon entering the room the yoga mats were all laid out on the ground and the mellow music was playing in the background.
Not only did the room have the most amazing pool, it also had one of the most breathtaking views. I mean before the actual yoga had started I was already feeling pretty zen.
The class itself was very rewarding. I stretched muscles I didn't even realise existed and realised that I am a lot more flexible than I realise I am. The yoga instructor was absolutely lovely and very knowledgeable about the practice. I was relieved that the instructor catered the class to varying levels as I had only done a few yoga lessons previously so it was a good opportunity to refresh and try challenge myself where possible. The class itself lasted a good 45 minutes and although I had struggled to hold my balance here and there, I felt refreshed, relaxed and not one bit tired. There were also smoothies served to us after which were absolutely delicious.
Ready for some yoga
We even got to keep our yoga mats and were given a gift bag full of goodies. The class really inspired me to take steps towards living a healthier life and take even 20 minutes out of my day to meditate or do some simple yoga which I have been doing since. To be honest, doing so has done loads of good for me and would recommend everyone try it out.
Amongst the various things in the goodie bag was a big sample of Argi + vitamin complex to try. I was very excited to to give this a try as the yoga instructor had raved on about how it was her favourite Forever product before the class. I was also thrilled to hear that the product was vegan as well as it is not often I'm given something I can actually try!
The recommended dose per day is 1 pod which I found really upsetting as this was SO delicious I wanted to mix this into all of my drinks. Not only does this taste delicious with it's berry tatse, I also find myself getting super excited making the drink. When you pour water onto the powder in the cup the solution goes dark blue like a blueberry before turning into a a lovely purple-pink colour. So it literally looks like I am conjuring up a potion.
The mixture has 5g's of L-Arginine in it which is meant to give you and energy boost that lasts all day. Additionally, this also contains other important vitamins such as B6, B9 and B12 and Vit C for that immune system boost. Having started using this, I've actually noticed a significant drop in my caffeine intake. If I have this in the morning I can go a whole day without a coffee and if I have this when I get a bit tired in the day instead then I instantly feel a lot more refreshed. I have a pretty busy lifestyle so if you are always on the go like I am then I can vouch that this does what it promises!
At the moment I still have a few of these left over but I will definitely be looking to repurchase these in the future. Additionally I highly recommend this if you're looking for a sweet alternative to caffeine that can be mixed into any of your beverages then I really recommend this for you.
Nikki xo