
Beauty: Batiste Dry Shampoo in Luxe

by - 08:00

Hello everyone! Sorry about the influx of posts on dry shampoos! I've literally been going down my drafts column just looking at what there was to post and this was on the very top so I thought that whilst I am in the swing of it how about I just post about some more beauty reviews.

Anyways As you can see in the photo there are two of these! They are actually a limited edition version of Batiste's dry shampoo and the scent is called 'luxe' an apt name for how luxurious these products actually smell. At the time I was worried that these would be off sale by the time my first bottle was over so I went an stockpiled on this. I'm not entirely sure how to describe how this smells but the closest I can get to explaining how it smells but it is quite tropical and it is incredibly summery. 

As for how this does its job? I think it does well at giving my hair a very good refresh. It doesn't make my hair feel brittle and it absorbs oil very quickly. Obviously the only thing I struggle with using this is the white residue. It doesn't bother me to much as if I am incredibly careful it is easy for me to escape without any white residue in my hair. 

Do I love this? Yes and will repurchase for sure. But please please change your formula so that us brunettes can walk away without that white residue!!!!

Nikki xo

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