
Food: Brunch at The Common E2

by - 16:21

Hello everyone!  Last weekend was a lot different from how it is this weekend. The sun has gone into hiding and now we are left with grey skies.  As many of you guys know my favourite place in London is Columbia Road Flower Market. I try to head down every weekend to get new plants for flat and it's also where I bought my banana tree from. 
Last Sunday was a bit different, the guys at The Common E2 which is just down the road from Columbia Road kindly invited me down to review their brunch menu.

When I first walked in, I was very impressed by how the cafe was decorated. There were an abundance of plants throughout and a lot of wooden features coupled with warm lighting that automatically made it feel extremely cozy. On the walls there were an assortment of architectural designs as well. The cafe itself is also an architecture design studio and co-working space. 

On their counters there an assortment of delicious looking and affordable pastries and cakes and of course I couldn't resist the opportunity to take a few photos. My friend Vyvy who came with me was even considering buying some for after brunch.

The main reason I was here however, was for the brunch. I have seen loads of people post about their brunch dishes previously on instagram which led to The Common being high up on my list of places to try one day. 

When we were all settled, we had a look at the brunch menu and made our decisions. At the cafe, you have to go to the counter to make an order with their very friendly staff.  

The first thing that came out was actually not something that we had ordered and was sent to us by mistake. I didn't realise that it wasn't ours as at that point in time I still had not asked my friend what she had actually ordered. I don't think either of us had clocked actually until the waiter came to switch the Bacon, Avocado and Halloumi bap that was sent to us for the smoked bacon, roast red pepper and ketchup with poached eggs. Either ways, I took the opportunity to take a million photos of the dish. I mean, just look at how delicious it looks!

I on the other hand ordered the avocado on sourdough with pomegranate, alfalfa sprouts, pistachio dukkah and pea shoots and an Iced Latte made with oat milk.

Firstly, I was very impressed with the size of the coffee. It was served in a large glass cup instead of a smaller sized cup ( like the cup of water in the picture below) that a lot of other places use. Additionally, I was impressed by the variety of different vegan milks that they had. Usually places only ever offer soy and if you're lucky almond but The Common even had an Oat milk, which is my favourite dairy free milk at the moment.

Vyvy said that her meal was very delicious and she was sad that she couldn't finish it all as she was already very full having at 3/4ths of it. I mean to be fair, the dish she ordered looked very filling. So no cake was bought by her for after her meal as she was so stuffed she could barely move!

On to the dish I ordered.  Not only did it look pretty, I also loved how there were a variety of different toppings to the avocado toast that made it different from avocado toast that you'd get in most places. Most, only serve quite literally avocado and toast whereas I feel like the chef or whoever had come up with this had put real thought into the combination of flavours on the plate.  What I enjoyed in particular about this dish, were the pomegranate seeds, not just because I am a big fan of eating the seeds as a snack but also because of how delicious these actually tasted in avocado which was super delicious. Additionally, this dish is quite light but not too light it leaves you hungry so it is an ideal brunch dish. I will most definitely be reordering this the next time I head to their cafe.

Their brunch menu honestly boasts so many different options it is hard to be stuck without something that you can't eat as they cater for a variety of different diets. Overall,  I would most definitely go back to the The Common E2 either the next time I am on my way to Columbia Road Flower Market or if I ever need a place to do some work off my Macbook from. Their food is super delicious, their coffee is probably one of the best I have had recently and the cafe has an overall incredible atmosphere to it especially with the lovely staff that work there.
* Please note that we were offered a free meal in exchange for a review and posts about  The Common E2

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