Food: Well & Truly snacks
Guys! I have Well & Truly (lol) gone through my drafts on here and I have only 7 more to write! That doesn't include the posts I have yet to write that are on my phone but oh well. I am happy I have made solid progress with these. Today's post is about some snacks that I got sent in June ( I know). I actually took these to Glastonbury but because I have had such a backlog of posts I've only been able to get around to these now.
The first packet I got was their crunchy cheese sticks and the second packet I got were the Crunchy Sour Cream and Onion Sticks. What is great about the packaging is it quite clearly labels how many calories are in the package and other nutritional information clearly on the front of the packaging. Therefore you can easily make informed decisions about what you are eating.
Anyways, these reminded me a lot of the crisps I had growing up whilst in Asia. Those crisps were called Twisties ( have a little google) and they have kind of the similar texture as cheetos. Sorry I just find it easier to compare these to more or less well known crisps. I'm sure however that these are probably a bit healthier. Obviously everything in moderation....
I remember finding both of these crisps delicious but having a leaning towards the sour cream and onion sticks, I mean who doesn't like sour cream and onion. On the other hand, the cheese sticks were equally tasty and I couldn't fault either of them.
I definitely recommend giving these a try as they are only £2 for 100g packs in Tesco. They also do Gluten Free Tortilla chips for £1.99 which I want to try next.
Do you have any crisps that you wanna recommend to me?