Beauty: Alberto Balsam Sunkissed Raspberry Shampoo

by - 19:24

Helloooo everyone, just a post today about a shampoo that I bought a while back because it was basically quite cheap and I wanted to save some money. I picked this up in Tesco in Canary Wharf and was delighted with how cute the packaging is.  The shampoo has a pleasant smell, exactly as you would imagine from anything that is raspberry scented.

The shampoo itself has a really good lather to it and you only need a coin sized amount to wash your hair. Even the smallest amount leaves my hair and scalp feeling fresh and clean for ages.

Unlike other cheaper shampoos, I do not feel as though this particular shampoo in any means makes my hair feel at all dry or irritates my scalp. It is as described on the packaging very moisturising. This is to the extent that if I forget to condition my hair, then it doesn't really matter that much as this shampoo pretty much does the job anyways. 

I've currently used up 1/3rd of the bottle despite using this every day and I'm very sure I will be buying another bottle of this when it eventually runs out.


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