Review: MAC Mineralize Skin Finish in Soft & Gentle
Hey everyone, my friend Lizzie recently gave me the amazing Mac Mineralize Skin Finish in Soft & Gentle. I had previously tried this highlighter before when I was around hers getting ready for a gig. Every time after, I would tell her how much I loved the highlighter and I've been meaning to get one for myself for ages now. So on my birthday she made my dreams come true by gifting me with one!
This highlighter is honestly so beautiful, just the way it looks and the way it is marbled is enough to catch any beauty lover's heart.
Just as the name suggests, the highlighter is literally the smoothest thing ever. When applied to your cheekbones, the highlight is quite subtle but it can build up if you layer it on a bit. It isn't like some cheaper highlighters that cake on your foundation or are just a bit too in your face or rather overwhelming. This one really gives you a natural glow and at the same time cheek bones sharp enough to kill.
Having used some cheaper highlighters over the last few months, I truly noticed the difference between this one and the rest. The staying power is incredible, I don't even use a setting spray at the moment and this lasts me the whole work day and beyond. I'm actually quite excited to go H A M on my cheekbones with this for my next night out so I can look absolutely on point for all of my photographs. So if you're looking for a lightweight, shimmery and long lasting highlighter with that is versatile with the ability to be layered as you like without caking, then honestly look no further. This highlighter is a must have and will probably be my favourite item for a long time coming. Do you guys have any other highlighters that you adore? If so hit me up as I'm eager to try a bunch more out.